Headshot of Famah Burns, a Alpharetta-based premises liability lawyer from Morgan & Morgan

Famah Keili


Attorney Famah Keili is a distinguished legal professional based in Alpharetta, Georgia, with a comprehensive track record spanning over nine years in the field of law. Since being admitted to the bar in November 2015, Famah has dedicated her career to mastering the complexities of criminal law, standing firm on her commitment to justice and exceptional client service. Her practice prominently features work in premises liability and slip & fall cases, where she leverages her deep legal knowledge and advocacy skills to represent her clients effectively.

Outside of her rigorous legal practice, Famah finds solace and balance through reading and regular yoga, activities that she believes enhance her focus and resilience. This dedication to personal growth parallels her professional ethos, where she strives not only to meet but exceed the expectations of those she represents. Famah Keili's dedication to her clients and her passion for law make her a formidable ally in any legal challenge, continually aiming to secure the best possible outcomes with integrity and precision.

  • Georgia

  • November 2015